Semiconductor Test Consumables –
The Road Ahead

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June 24, 2020

A special interactive webinar sponsored by SWTest, VLSI Research , and TestConX looking at the current and future semiconductor test consumables market.

Jerry Broz will lead with an overview of the current and forecasted semiconductor device market including key industry statistics. His overview will include a review of the top wafer probe card suppliers.

In a holistic overview of high technology in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, Ira Feldman will discuss the changing electronics market. He will also include a recap of the semiconductor test and burn-in socket markets including top suppliers.

John West will conclude with an overview of how the emergence of System Level Test (SLT) in recent years is starting to have a real impact on the cost structure of semiconductor test.

Jerry Broz
Senior Vice President of Technology Development
International Test Solutions
Dr. Jerry Broz has served as Sr. Vice President of Technology Development at International Test Solutions (ITS) since 2018. From 2003 to 2016, Dr. Broz worked at ITS where he served as VP of Applications and Sr. Manager for Worldwide Product Support. From 2016 to 2018, he was the Sr. Technical Director for MJC Electronics, Corp. Prior to 2003, Dr. Broz was a Member of Technical Staff at Texas Instruments. Dr. Broz has authored numerous award-winning publications and holds multiple patents pertaining to wafer-level and package-level test. Dr. Broz received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Dr. Broz is a Senior Member of IEEE, an IEEE Golden Core Member, and Co-Chair of the Probes Working Group for the Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap Committee. He also serves as the General Chair of the Semiconductor Wafer Test (SWTest) Conference held in San Diego, and the annual SWTest Asia Conference held in Taiwan.

“Semiconductor Test Overview Session 1”
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“Semiconductor Test Overview Session 2”
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Ira Feldman
Principal Consultant
Feldman Engineering Corp
Ira Feldman manages and develops unique high technology solutions and business strategies as a principal consultant at Feldman Engineering Corp. Feldman Engineering supports clients with technical marketing and product generation processes. His expertise includes high volume manufacturing of complex technology products in the consumer electronics, semiconductor test, and computer test industries covering a wide size range of products and technologies from microfabricated 3D fully assembled micro-machines to Automated Test Equipment (ATE) and minicomputers. Mr. Feldman has worked at both startups (NanoNexus and Microfabrica) and global companies (Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies). He is the General Chair of TestConX and the Executive Director of MicroElectronics Packaging and Test Engineering Council (MEPTEC). And he earned BS and Master of Engineering degrees from Harvey Mudd College.

“Test & Test Consumables Market Report Session 1”
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“Test & Test Consumables Market Report Session 2”
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Jon West
Managing Director
VLSI Research Europe
John West has over twenty years’ experience in providing data and analytics relating to the semiconductor manufacturing supply chain. His area of special interest in the field of semiconductor test include probe cards, test and burn-in sockets, and device interface boards. Mr. West holds a bachelor of science degree in Medical Physics from Kings College London and an MBA from Cranfield University.

“The Changing Cost Structure of Semiconductor Test Session 1”
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“The Changing Cost Structure of Semiconductor Test Session 2”
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